Ayurvedic Treatment For Leucoderma
Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma in Urmar-Tanda is possible at Svasthvida. Our ayurvedic doctor provide 100% natural ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo/Leucoderma in Urmar-Tanda (सफेद दाग का आयुर्वेदिक इलाज) with effective results an no side effects. Leucoderma, also known as Vitiligo, is a skin disease in which skin losses its pigmentation (melanin), which leads to skin whitening all over the body throughout the time. The white patches, termed Leucoderma, occur due to several internal and external factors. When it's not treated correctly, the white spots cover all body parts like the scalp, face, and genitals.
Around 1% of the population in the world is diagnosed with Vitiligo or Leucoderma. Vitiligo can happen to everyone, no matter which gender or race they belong to, but it is more noticeable in dark skin people. Leucoderma can affect you at any age, but it is usually observed in people aged 10 to 30 years.
Some Common Types Of Vitiligo
It is the most common form of Leucoderma, in which the macules appear in various places on the body.
This type of Leucoderma appears only to one side of the body or one area like hands or face.
This type of Vitiligo can affect mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.
This is a sporadic Vitiligo in which the macules appears in a small area and do not spread in a pattern.
In this type of Leucoderma, there is a white or colorless centre, then an area of light pigmentation, and then a spot of usual skin colour.
This is also a rare type of Vitiligo in which more than 80% of the skin lacks pigment.
The most common symptom of Leucoderma is the appearance of milky white patches on the skin.
Other signs determined by our experts in Urmar-Tanda are:
Doctors don't completely understand the causes of Vitiligo, but several different theories in allopathy show the following reasons for Leucoderma:
Autoimmune Disorder: Due to this disorder, the affected person's immune system develops antibodies that destroy melanocytes.
Genetic Factors: Genetic factors can also increase the chance of getting Vitiligo. Around 30% of vitiligo patients cases are due to inheritance from the family.
Neurogenic Factors: If a person is exposed to toxic substances or chemicals, it can destroy melanocytes in the skin.
Vitiligo can also be activated by certain events like physical or emotional stress. Other factors are:
In Ayurveda, Leucoderma is called Shwetakushta/Switra/Kilasa, and it comes under Kushta Rogas, which means skin diseases. According to Ayurveda, it happens because of the imbalance of three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) contaminating Rakta(blood), Mamsa(muscle tissue), and Medhas Dhatus(fat tissue). There are five types of Pitta doshas, in which Bhrajak Pitta is responsible for the discolouration of the skin.
It is furthermore divided into the following three types:
Daruna: When doshas degrade the Rakta Dhatu (blood), the patches will appear in red.
Aruna: When doshas degrade the Mamsa Dhatu (muscle tissue), the patches will appear in coppery colour.
Kilasa: When doshas degrade the Medho Dhatu (fat tissue), the patches will appear white. It is the most usual colour, so Leucoderma is usually called Kilasa in Ayurveda.
At Svasthvida, we have a specialized team of the best Ayurvedic doctors in Urmar-Tanda, offering the best Ayurvedic medicine for leucoderma and all other chronic diseases across Urmar-Tanda to make people's lives better and disease-free. For free consultation you can call us at +91-9316078128 right now.
At Svasthvida in Urmar-Tanda, we will treat your Leucoderma in 4 steps. In each step, we perform different therapy, which is essential for your skin to heal correctly.
Step 1: In the first step, at our center in Urmar-Tanda we will perform Panchakarma, which comes under purification therapies (Shodhana Karma), and it will detoxify your body and balance all doshas. Alongside Panchakarma therapy, we also give you some herbs like Psoralea Corylifolia (Bakuci Kwatha) and Euphorbia Neriifolia (Snuhi).
Step 2: We will give oil massage using special oils fused with herbs. We will prepare this particular oil to receive only the best ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma in Urmar-Tanda according to the patient's diagnosis.
Step 3: In the third stage, we expose the affected skin to the sun rays as long as the patient can bear(Soorya Padasanthapam).
Step 4: At this step, we will give you decoction (Kwatha) made of Ficus Hispida (Malayu), Pterocarpus Marsupium (Asana), Callicarpa Macrophylla (Priyangu), Peusedanum Graveolens (Satapuspa), Coleus Vettiveroides (Ambhasa), and alkaline extract of Butea monosperma (Palasa Ksara).
Our Ayurvedic doctors at Svasthvida in Urmar-Tanda focus on maintaining the balance between the doshas and elements in the patient's body. Therefore, we prepare customized Ayurvedic treatment plans for leucoderma in Urmar-Tanda for Vitiligo or Leucoderma and prescribe the following Ayurveda therapies and diets:
Shodana Chikitsa
The detoxification and regulation of doshas will be made with the help of Panchakarma. We will also perform Vamana, Virechana and Rakta mokshana in Urmar-Tanda.
Shamana Chikitsa
We will give you herbal ayurvedic medicines and herbs that will balance your doshas. We also provide some naturally prepared cream and gel to apply to the affected areas.
Patya (Diet)
At Svasthvida in Urmar-Tanda, we will prepare a strict diet, change your lifestyle habits, and advise daily yoga practice and meditation.
All our patients are happy with our treatment in Urmar-Tanda , and they say that they feel perfect after getting treatments in traditional ayurvedic form. It will take time to see the result of Ayurvedic medicine, but your problem will end from the root. We are known as the renowned & best Ayurvedic Hospital / Clinic In Urmar-Tanda.
To get a free consultation and complete Ayurvedic treatment for Leucoderma/Vitiligo in Urmar-Tanda (ल्यूकोडर्मा/विटिलिगो के लिए पूर्ण आयुर्वेदिक उपचार), book an appointment with our best Ayurvedic doctors at Svasthavida in Urmar-Tanda. We give the right Ayurvedic treatment plan to entirely cure Leucoderma and make our patient's life better.
Our Ayurvedic treatment for leucoderma in Urmar-Tanda often involves dietary modifications to support healing. Your Ayurvedic doctor will provide specific dietary recommendations based on your individual needs and the principles of Ayurveda.
Our Ayurvedic treatment in Urmar-Tanda aims to reduce the spread of white patches in vitiligo by strengthening the immune system, improving melanin production, and promoting overall skin health. However, results may vary for each individual.
To book an appointment for an Ayurvedic treatment of leucoderma/vitiligo in Urmar-Tanda, you can contact our Ayurvedic treatment centre directly by phone at +91-9316078128 or visit our website to schedule an appointment online. Our experienced team will guide you through the process and provide the necessary support.
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